Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Instagram at the Dorford Centre

Yesterday I took part in an Instagram for Business course at the Dorford Centre in Dorchester. Whilst I have been using Instagram for some time, I have only recently started using it for my business. The training course was run by ITCoursesDorchester, and was extensively researched and professionally presented by Trudy Ritsema and Jane Askew. 

We were set a task of creating an Instagram post. We were all given a random object and asked to write a caption for it. As the course members ran many varied businesses it was an interesting project.

Mine you will see from the picture above was a large peg, if you would like to see it on Instagram and follow my future posts my user name is maumburygal1. I also recently set up an Instagram account for my business and the user name for that one is Socialembers.

If you are not familiar with Instagram and have never used it, you will probably have heard  the younger generation talking about it, as it is very popular with them.  The social media platform that was created in a cafe over a cup of coffee is now a more widely used social media platform than Twitter. 

When I am on ambassador duty for Dorchester BID I often meet members of the public who seem angry at the use of technology in their everyday lives, such as Dorchester's optional pay to park system. This system can save you having to carry small change, and is often a godsend, if you want to renew your parking time with out having to return to your car.

Technology in our lives will soon be used much more widely, when the 'internet of things' collects data from our home without us even realising it, such as central heating systems that are now widely installed in new properties.

My daughter has recently submitted her university application, and having to make a choice of 5, we visited many over this summer. One that was using technology the most was Lancaster.

 Each student who has been offered a place to study there, is given access to the campus app' which gives them immediate access to information about their course, finance, and allows them to integrate with other students before they start. One of the features of the app' that appealed to me as a Mum is the laundrette availability, which not only tells the student the location of an empty machine, but tells the student how far the machine has got through it's cycle.

So there will be no excuses as to why her washing is not done, if she chooses this university in 2016! 

I was really pleased to see students of all ages on our course yesterday, and I know myself, and many others, will look forward to future training courses run by ITCourses Dorchester


  1. Very interesting, still don't get how Instagram works other than your mobile! I use the social media networks a lot, like Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Flickr which I find very useful. Thank you for sharing - Shaun

  2. Thank you for your comment Shaun, Instagram is a mobile social network but it is easily linked to a variety of other social media platforms.
